International Projects

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  • Uganda

    Preserving traditional African herbal-healing knowledge before it’s lost.

  • Peru

    Building schools for impoverished Quechua-speaking natives living 12,000 feet above sea level in the Andes mountains.

Local Projects

Each year, I travel more than 20,000 miles to study what makes people healthy. But most other doctors don’t get my research methods.
Mainstream doctors only treat – and most researchers only study – sickness. They don’t consider health. They look at a disease and then try to find a pill.
I’m different because I focus on what healthy people have in common. I ask what protects them from disease.
Western medicine has come to see people’s ailments like little packages of symptoms to be drugged or cut out. It has lost sight of the whole person behind the rash or the tumor, and the emotional and environmental factors that have contributed or …

The Ageless Heart Seminar
