No one cares about your health and the health of your loved ones more than you do. We at the Wellness Research Foundation believe that the best way to ensure quality in healthcare is to allow you to be in control. We believe you have an inherent right to decide on quality, expertise, respect and alternative treatments for your own health.
Unfortunately, the modern medical system all too often robs you of this natural right. Drug company marketing incentives directly conflict with your need for honest information. Hospitals and insurance companies make decisions concerning your health care options without your consent. Your own doctor has seen his authority eroded, and worse, has become increasingly dependent on medical information biased by economic influences beyond his control.
John Stewart Mill said, “A man’s (or woman’s) autonomy over his (or her) own body is absolute.” We are committed to joining you in reclaiming this right as we proclaim the following principles.
Your Health Emancipation Proclamation
1) You should be free to choose, according to your own standards.
2) You must have absolute “veto power” over any medical treatment option.
3) You should have access to medical research done by independent companies who will not benefit financially from the results.
4) You should be informed of potential side effects of any treatment option proposed.
5) You should have public education programs focused on wellness.
6) You should have equal and uncensored access to natural alternatives to conventional medical procedures and treatments.
To support you as a partner in these collaborate efforts, the WELLNESS RESEARCH FOUNDATION proclaims our commitment to provide research, education, publishing and an unbiased wellness information.
The Wellness Research Foundation Promises To:
Conduct new research to determine the effectiveness of more natural treatments.
- Collate neglected international research data for a broader base of options.
- Develop and support not-for-profit wellness programs.
- Hold public seminars to disseminate health improvement strategies.
- Cooperate with public institutions to share wellness findings.
- Publish original, primary research articles.
- Publish not-for-profit books, pamphlets, and reports on wellness and disease.
- Provide a monthly wellness letter.
- Discuss representative health concerns of all ages and groups.
- Provide a medium for the developing, expressing and interacting of diverse views.
Proclaimed by the Board of Directors of the WELLNESS RESEARCH FOUNDATION.